Saturday, December 31, 2011

Happy New Year!

So, I gave you one last great recipe. Now it's time for the last post.

We're having a big party tonight with lots of singing, music and friends. Oh, and lots of balloons that are hanging from the rafters right now (to let down at midnight!).

I hope you have lots of fun and a sweet time as well. There are many recipes in my recipe archives to sweeten things up! I've made peanut butter cups, cake and cupcakes, neapolitan cookies, and my sisters have made great things as well including molasses cookies and coconut candy bars!

~ Happy New Year!! ~ 

~ Hanunyah

Friday, December 30, 2011

Bit O' Cocoa Cookies

One last recipe for 2011. Little cookies with a bit o' cocoa, they are just perfect for winter. Accompanied by some hot cocoa, a extra bit o' cocoa could just brighten one's day coming in from the chilly winter morning. Plus, being easy with only 5 basic ingredients, you can whip these up quick.
     Although, we have had a SUPER mild winter . . . very warm. It was over 60 degrees F when we went ice-skating the other day! - as opposed to our winter (here in OK) last year - we already had snow in November. Though the winter is not over yet - it could get cold here on us hard and fast.

     So, to the recipe . . . I wanted a chocolate cookie that didn't spread much and would hold together really well - for ice-cream sandwiches. Solution - don't use leavening, little lard, and use several eggs because they do wonders for holding things together. It was first-time success.

Bit O' Cocoa Cookies (Gluten, Dairy, Corn, Gum-free)
Hanunyah Creation

1/4 cup lard
1 cup sugar
1/4 cup cocoa
3 eggs
1/2 cup oat flour
1 1/2 cups rice flour (or other GF flour)

1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F.

2. Beat together the lard, sugar, cocoa and eggs. Add the flours.

3. Drop dough by teaspoonfuls on greased cookie sheets, or for more uniform cookies roll into balls (flouring your hands), and flatten out a little.

4. Bake for 8 to 10 minutes, until set and the edges start to lightly brown.

~ Hanunyah

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Still Here . . .

With a round of sickies going through, I've had a rough couple of days. I threw-up about 20 times I think (seriously). I'm recovering now . . . just hopping over to the computer to update the blogs. Hopefully I'll be back with a recipe for you in a few days.

Have a good week!

~ Hanunyah

Sunday, December 25, 2011

"Sweet 16"

Happy Birthday, brother!

This is a cake my older sister made for our brother (his birthday was on the 21st). Of course, I helped make the frosting part because she was having problems with boiling sugar.

Vanilla cake, peanut butter fudge/frosting, brownies, vanilla frosting.

~ Hanunyah

Friday, December 23, 2011

Holidays, Blog Design, Cookbook

With the rush of the upcoming holidays, people are running around getting ready, while here I sit peacefully - enjoying the new barn that was just finished, the cool weather, the aroma of roasted tomatoes ready for salsa, and I may wander into the kitchen to make some quick chocolate banana muffins.
    Thankfully, it's because we don't celebrate Christmas. For more on that click here.

On another note, I've figured out how to re-design my blogs on our old computer. Slowly but surely, I am making progress. With some help from my web-designing sister (who reads HTML - yikes!), I am getting it to be a little easier to navigate for you (and me ;) ).

And . . . COOKBOOK?! Well, I know there are many gluten-free cookbooks are out there. But, I know why - everybody has their favorite recipes, and cookbooks are pretty well-liked. Because it's nice to have one place where everything is. So when is this cookbook going to be ready? No dates. Whenever I stop creating recipes? No, because I think that will be awhile (if God continues to bless it). Just like there are often "Revised" or second editions to books, it is likely that when I come out with one cookbook, eventually there will be another.
   Books take work and time. I know a few bloggers who are writing their second cookbook, and it takes many trial runs, creating, and organizing. My mom has encouraged me to make a cookbook, but we'll see when I can get it out.

~ Hanunyah

Monday, December 19, 2011


No recipe for you today, but I'm hoping to get my blog design finished soon. While my blog rests, I hope you enjoy the winter days and maybe make some chocolate fudge and marshmallows (hey, hot cocoa on a stick? ;) ).

~ Hanunyah

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Chocolate Fudge

The Gluten-Free Homemaker's monthly theme for December is chocolate, in particular chocolate fudge. So, to fit the theme, I remembered this recipe. I pulled it from deep in the archives, and made my little brother some chocolate fudge.

In the new goat milking barn!

But this time, this five-ingredient fudge is made with water instead of milk - perfect for anyone with a dairy allergy, or for us since the goats' milk drops in quanity in the winter. It's sooo simple and perfect. Silky Smooth. Rich and Chocolat-ey. Easy at the drop of a . . . thermometer. Or not. You don't need a thermometer. Just boil it five minutes at medium heat. If you want to be sure, drop some boiling sugar into super-cold water - if it easily forms a ball while in the cold water, but flattens once removed - you're done . . . or at least until your arm gets a good workout (don't feel like beating fudge? Oh, I'm sorry. Maybe you have a hand mixer? That'll do you a wonder).

Oh, yeah. Fresh-from-the-udder rich 'n' creamy goat milk with chocolate fudge? No problem for my mama!

So, you ready? Not too hard, right? If this recipe is like me speaking chinese to you, then you may e-mail me at h2 (at) gotdownsyndrome (dot) net for help.

Chocolate Fudge (Gluten-free, Dairy-free, Corn-free)
Adapted from Cocoa Fudge

2 cups sugar
1 cup water*
1/2 cup cocoa
1/4 cup lard
1 teaspoon vanilla (optional)

1. Combine the water, sugar and cocoa in a large saucepan (it boils up very high, so at least 4-quart. You don't want a sticky mess all over the stove like I had - so play it safe). Mix well. Bring to a boil over high heat; then lower the temperature to medium. Cook until it reaches soft ball stage (235 to 245 degrees). (I use a candy thermometer, or you could use the cold water test. Don't be scared - it's really not that hard. It takes about five minutes to reach the soft ball stage).

2. Remove from heat and add the lard and vanilla. Do not stir, and allow to cool for about 10 minutes or so. Beat (by hand or with a mixer) until very thick and the mixture begins loose it's shine. Quickly pour into a greased 8x8 inch pan. Let chill in the refrigerator until set.

*I used to use goat milk, but today I tried it with water - awesome! My sister was surprised to hear I used water instead of milk.

~ Hanunyah

Linked to Gluten-Free Wednesdays by The Gluten-Free Homemaker

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

A Step Aside . . .

A salad (GAPS friendly) that was made the other night - home grown, smoked and cured bacon, tomatoes, boiled eggs, broccoli, piled on top of crisp lettuce - would you really need dressing?

from sweet things. One of my oldest sisters, who usually makes dinner, went to soccer practice the other day. I stayed home and made dinner for the GAPS folks in the family. Here are some pictures ~ just a step aside from the sugar ;).

Oh, and I added some sweetness back to the table with this sooo simple and sooo good fruit salad. Just fresh fruit - the simpler, the better (no dressing).

And, if you're thinking "no way, GAPS chips?!?!" - sorry, but these are good ol' homemade, deep-fryed corn tortilla chips - for those who can handle them.

~ Hanunyah

Monday, December 12, 2011

Jell-O Poke Cake

Pictured is a strawberry poke cake with a thin layer of orange frosting.
For a very flavorful, fruity, moist cake, scroll down for a simple and easy recipe. So very flavorful and moist, this was part of the sweet explosion that I made for my sister's birthday recently.

Jell-O Poke Cake (Gluten, Dairy-free)
Adapted from

1 9x13 inch GF cake, cooled for 20 minutes*
1 3-oz pkg. fruit flavored gelatin
1 cup boiling water
1/2 cup cold water
frosting or safe whipped topping

1. Prepare the gelatin according to package directions, except using 1 cup boiling water and 1/2 cup cold water.

2. Poke holes with a fork in the cake that has been cooled for about 20 minutes. Pour gelatin mixture over the cake and into the holes. Spread with frosting or topping.

*For a simple cake recipe, go here or here. Both of the recipes turn out good, but I'll have to experiment with both of them to see which one is better.

~ Hanunyah

Linked to Gluten-Free Wednesdays at The Gluten-Free Homemaker

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Chocolate Banana Muffins

This is a re-post of this recipe. I made them recently and remembered how good they are, so I figured I'd pull them to the front.

There are so many banana cake, bread and muffin recipes, it seems endless. But this recipe is gluten, dairy and corn-free, yet very moist and yummy - not to mention how easy it is to make. And of course, it is made even better by adding cocoa ;).

I think every time I make them somebody comments how moist they are. Now, that "every time I make them" is qualified with this: I realize I haven't made them enough, especially with how many bananas we have lingering around!

Chocolate Banana Muffins
Adapted from

1 1/2 cups gluten-free flour (I use oat and/or rice)
1/2 to 1 cup sugar*
1/4 cup cocoa powder
1 1/2 teaspoons baking soda
1/2 teaspoon salt (optional)
1 1/3 cups ripe bananas, mashed
1/3 cup oil
1 egg

1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F.

2. Combine all ingredients. Mix well. Spoon into a 12 hole muffin pan about 3/4 full.

3. Bake at 350 for 15 to 18 minutes, or until muffins test done. Good plain warm or cold, or cool completely and frost.

*You may use however little or less sugar as you like. I've made them with only tablespoons of sugar, 1/2 cup of sugar and the full cup, and they've all turned out great. As usual, it just comes down to personal preference. I suppose you could even try them using honey - that would just top it off!

~ Hanunyah

Linked to Gluten-Free Wednesdays by The Gluten-Free Homemaker

Friday, December 9, 2011

Peanut Butter Frosting

Easy. Smooth. Shiny. Fluffy.

Yum, Yum. This is a very easy and smooth, shiny frosting. I got the idea to do this from Flourless Peanut Butter Cupcakes - this is the same consistency as that batter, but without the eggs and baking soda.

Peanut Butter Frosting
Hanunyah Creation

1 cup peanut butter
1/2 cup lard
1/4 cup safe powdered sugar
1/4 to 1/2 cup water

1. With a whisk, whisk all ingredients together, adding water until desired consistency.

~ Hanunyah

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Happy Birthday Sweetie!

Yesterday was my younger sister's birthday. I baked all day and made 3 dozen vanilla cupcakes, a strawberry jello poke cake and orange cooked frosting (triple recipe). For the cake and cupcakes, I doubled this recipe. I also added a few chocolate chips to the cupcakes and cake.

Of course, the funnest part was decorating the cupcakes. We had got a frosting dispenser from somewhere, and I just put it in the cupboard and forgot about it until yesterday. So, I pulled it out and figured it out - it turned out to be very easy to use and clean - it worked great! There are several tips with it, too.

So, here are the pictures ~ I thought they turned out pretty good for my first time try using this deal ;).

This is what happens when different colors meet ;).


And lastly, the poke cake - very yummy and moist! (I'll post the recipe soon, Lord willing).

Love ya, sis!

~ Hanunyah

Link Parties:
Take-a-Look Tuesday @ Sugar Bee Crafts

Sugar and Spice at seven thirty three

Food on Friday @ Carole's Chatter

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Banana Cream Crunch

My brother was trying to grab it off the screen ;).

Another "Hanunyah Creation", this sure was a hit! With many bananas and the Vita-Mix cream/pudding recipe I created (with a surprise ingredient), I made this interesting no-bake treat the other day.

For a quick run-down? - A soft oat-peanut crust + ripe, sweet bananas + Vita-Cream + the good stuff (peanuts and chocolate chips) = a quick and easy, no-bake, delightful snack or dessert.

This was very good, and it was gone in minutes - credit to my taste-testers, who were hungry for a sweet snack ;).

Banana Cream Crunch
Hanunyah Creation

1 cup safe oats*
1/2 cup peanuts*

2 to 4 bananas
a few tablespoons peanuts**

Cream Pudding:
1 3/4 cups cooked rice***
3 to 4 tablespoons sugar
1 to 2 tablespoons vanilla
1 to 1/2 cup water

1/2 cup peanuts
safe chocolate chips (optional)

1. Add all crust ingredients to the Vita-Mix container. Turn machine on and quickly increase speed to variable 6 to 10. Blend a few seconds, until the mixture is crumbly and moist.

2. Press into a 9x13 inch pan.**** Slice the bananas over the crust, and sprinkle with some peanuts.

3Combine all cream pudding ingredients in the Vita-Mix. Blend on high for a couple minutes, adding enough water until smooth and desired consistency is reached. Pour over banana layer.

4. Top with peanuts and chocolate chips, if desired. Refrigerate until set. Cut into pieces to serve.

*Instead of blending the oats and peanuts together for the crust, you may mix together oat flour and peanut butter, then proceed as the recipe instructs.
**If there are allergies, or if desired, you may use other nuts in place of the peanuts.
***Instead of using all rice, you may use cooked mashed potato for 3/4 cup of the rice. You may need to use more vanilla and sugar to cover up the potato taste.
****The crust was kind of soggy, so, if you like, you may bake the crust for a few minutes at 350 degrees F, until light golden brown.

~ Hanunyah

Linked to Foodie Friday by Not Your Ordinary Recipes

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Pumpkin Chocolate Cake

With many pumpkins, we are learning to get creative with pumpkin. We have learned you can sub pumpkin for water in the Oat Flour Chocolate Cake recipe - and it doesn't really even taste like pumpkin.

My sister made a chocolate bundt cake the other day (in a silicone bundt pan my family got for super cheap - it works soooo beautifully!). So, to use up more pumpkin, I melted some white chocolate chips and pumpkin together to create a "pretty" orange glaze.

Moist oat flour chocolate cake + pumpkin white chocolate glaze = a wonderful, sweet sticky mess.

Pumpkin Chocolate Cake (Gluten-free)
Sisters-in-the-kitchen creation ;).

1 1/2 cups oil
1 1/2 cups sugar
1 1/2 cups pumpkin puree
2/3 cup cocoa powder
2 1/2 cups gluten-free oat flour
2 teaspoons baking soda
6 eggs
1 teaspoon cinnamon, optional

3/4 cup white chocolate chips

2 tablespoons oil
1/4 cup pumpkin puree

1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Grease a Bundt pan.

2. In a large bowl, combine all ingredients and beat until smooth. A whisk works well. Pour batter into prepared pans or pan.

3. Bake for about 30-45 minutes, or until a toothpick inserted in the center comes out clean. Cool and remove from pan. Drizzle the glaze over cake.

4. To make glaze - Melt the chips and oil in the microwave for 1 minute. Add the pumpkin puree and stir until smooth.

~ Hanunyah

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Thanksgiving Party

Just thought I'd post a few pictures of the thanksgiving party we had. It was a fun time with friends and family - singing, dancing, quizzes and of course, lots of food.

Something went wrong with this GAPS pumpkin pie that a friend made - it looked fine when it came out of the oven, but it became like this overnight. It still tasted great!! It was dense like a cheesecake.

~ Hanunyah