Friday, December 23, 2011

Holidays, Blog Design, Cookbook

With the rush of the upcoming holidays, people are running around getting ready, while here I sit peacefully - enjoying the new barn that was just finished, the cool weather, the aroma of roasted tomatoes ready for salsa, and I may wander into the kitchen to make some quick chocolate banana muffins.
    Thankfully, it's because we don't celebrate Christmas. For more on that click here.

On another note, I've figured out how to re-design my blogs on our old computer. Slowly but surely, I am making progress. With some help from my web-designing sister (who reads HTML - yikes!), I am getting it to be a little easier to navigate for you (and me ;) ).

And . . . COOKBOOK?! Well, I know there are many gluten-free cookbooks are out there. But, I know why - everybody has their favorite recipes, and cookbooks are pretty well-liked. Because it's nice to have one place where everything is. So when is this cookbook going to be ready? No dates. Whenever I stop creating recipes? No, because I think that will be awhile (if God continues to bless it). Just like there are often "Revised" or second editions to books, it is likely that when I come out with one cookbook, eventually there will be another.
   Books take work and time. I know a few bloggers who are writing their second cookbook, and it takes many trial runs, creating, and organizing. My mom has encouraged me to make a cookbook, but we'll see when I can get it out.

~ Hanunyah

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