Wednesday, October 31, 2012

31 for 21: Not Your Typical Kitchen

Soooo . . . today is the last of the 31 days. I'm sure blogging will slow down a bit, but hopefully I won't forget about this blog :). October is one of the busier months around here.

I thought I'd share this picture . . .
My bottle calf, Lulu, in the kitchen.

Its's just a baby! Hey, it is a barn. (Our house is a converted barn.) As I type, there is meat processing going behind me. We slaughter and butcher all of our own meat because of food allergies (plus, it is typically cheaper). (Funny, I just noticed that there is a DSAT (Down Syndrome Association of Tulsa) Buddy Walk shirt in that picture. Just fits the context of the blog challenge.)

Goodbye to the 2012 Annual 31 for 21 blog challenge!

~ Hanunyah

31 for 21 is a blog challenge to raise Down Syndrome awareness 1 blog at a time. The challenge is to blog everyday the whole month of October (31 days) to raise awareness for Down Syndrome (aka Trisomy 21). This is the 6th Annual 31 for 21 Challenge.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

31 for 21: A Blessed Life

As 31 for 21 winds down, and I live on a happenin' ranch, it is a beautiful fall day. My grandmother just flew back to CA today, and we have a barbecue tonight with my grandfather and step-grandmother. I was planning on making some sandwich bread sometime here, but with the wild life we have I'm not sure when I'll get to that let alone creating another recipe. But maybe, since life has been pretty crazy the entire time I've been creating recipes. But, I wouldn't want to change a thing. A big family, homeschooling, keeping a neighbor's farm, living on a ranch, a cute little brother with Down Syndrome? A beautiful thing. Don't wait 'till Thanksgiving to be thankful.

~ Hanunyah

31 for 21 is a blog challenge to raise Down Syndrome awareness 1 blog at a time. The challenge is to blog everyday the whole month of October (31 days) to raise awareness for Down Syndrome (aka Trisomy 21). This is the 6th Annual 31 for 21 Challenge.

Monday, October 29, 2012

31 for 21: Chocolate Syrup

Another animal picture because I don't have a picture for this recipe.

Basically this is just an idea. Just mix honey and cocoa together (equal parts or to taste) for a quick, refined sugar-free chocolate syrup. You can add this to milk (warm or cold), pour on ice-cream, etc.

~ Hanunyah

31 for 21 is a blog challenge to raise Down Syndrome awareness 1 blog at a time. The challenge is to blog everyday the whole month of October (31 days) to raise awareness for Down Syndrome (aka Trisomy 21). This is the 6th Annual 31 for 21 Challenge.

Link Parties
Wheat-Free Wednesday @ Anne-Marie Cain
Gluten-Free Wednesdays @ The Gluten-Free Homemaker
Allergy-Free Wednesdays @ The Tasty Alternative and 6 other blogs
Gluten-Free Fridays @ Vegetarian Mama and 2 other blogs

Sunday, October 28, 2012

31 for 21: Big Batch Pear Butter/Sauce

A pretty picture my one of my sisters took on the way home from soccer.
We picked up a ton of crisp, sweet pears from somebody's back yard the other day (with permission of course). They are very good fresh, but when you have this many you've gotta figure out something to do with them.

Last night my siblings and friends cut pears for about an hour . . . and just dented the pile. Mom made pear sauce/butter. She creates recipes by gleaning ideas from different recipes off of the internet, then adding her own touch.

This is a recipe in season, and a good one.

Big Batch Pear Butter/Sauce
Mom Creation
(Refined Sugar-free, Grain-free, Gluten-free, Dairy-free, Corn-free)

40 cups pureed pears*
1 cup apple cider vinegar
1 cup honey
2  teaspoons cinnamon
1 teaspoon nutmeg
1 teaspoon allspice

Combine all ingredients in a very large roast pan. Place in a 250 degree F. oven overnight, 6 to 8 hours.  (In other words, go to bed and have it for breakfast :) ).

*Yes, approximately 40 cups of pureed pears WITH THE SKIN. It is much faster and easier (besides the nutrients in the skin) to puree them with the skin still on. Just cut them to get out the middle part with the seeds. Puree them in a blender, food processor or vita-mix (with a little water) and proceed with the recipe.

~ Hanunyah

31 for 21 is a blog challenge to raise Down Syndrome awareness 1 blog at a time. The challenge is to blog everyday the whole month of October (31 days) to raise awareness for Down Syndrome (aka Trisomy 21). This is the 6th Annual 31 for 21 Challenge.

Link Parties:
Gluten-Free Wednesdays @ The Gluten-Free Homemaker

Saturday, October 27, 2012

31 for 21: Pumpkin Granola

A couple bucks we just added to the ranch.

Okay, so it's 11:33pm, friends are over. One friend just got done with her blog post, and Mom still has to do hers.

I made this recipe when my sister had a flop :).

Pumpkin Granola (Gluten-free, Dairy-free, Corn-free)
Hanunyah Creation

1 cup sugar
3/4 cup pumpkin
2 teaspoons cinnamon
1 teaspoon nutmeg
1 teaspoon ginger
6 cups quick oats*

Combine all ingredients in a large microwavable bowl. Microwave for 2 minutes, stir, and microwave for another minute. In a large 9x13" pan, combine the pumpkin mixture with the oats and mix well. Place in a 350 degree F. oven, and bake, stirring occasionally, for about 40 minutes. Turn off the oven and forget about it for a few hours :).

*As always with oats, make sure they are not contaminated with gluten or anything else you're allergic to.
That's basically what I did, I'm sure you wouldn't have to leave it in the oven for hours.

~ Hanunyah

31 for 21 is a blog challenge to raise Down Syndrome awareness 1 blog at a time. The challenge is to blog everyday the whole month of October (31 days) to raise awareness for Down Syndrome (aka Trisomy 21). This is the 6th Annual 31 for 21 Challenge.

Friday, October 26, 2012

31 for 21: When I'm Not . . .

baking and creating: Playing with animals and pictures.

~ Hanunyah

31 for 21 is a blog challenge to raise Down Syndrome awareness 1 blog at a time. The challenge is to blog everyday the whole month of October (31 days) to raise awareness for Down Syndrome (aka Trisomy 21). This is the 6th Annual 31 for 21 Challenge.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

31 for 21: Oatmeal Cake

Although I take most of the photos around here, my sister took this beautiful one.
Chilly Willy! (who's Willy? I'm not exactly sure, but I think he's related to Winter). A cold snap here today . . . One more reason to BAKE! Other reasons? It's fall, there's lots of pumpkins around! That's why you should bake a nice oatmeal cake and spread some pumpkin butter on it, perhaps with a hot cup of tea or coffee. Better yet, a Pumpkin Spiced Latte.

And this recipe? Yeah, it's another one from my awesome sister, Suriyah. (P.S. She's behind be in the kitchen right now making frosting. I have to go check on my timer that's beeping . . . I'm fixing her failure :) ).

Okay, I'm back. Here's the recipe.

Oatmeal Cake (Gluten-free, Dairy-free, Corn-free)
Adapted from

1 1/2 cups boiling water
1 cup oats

1 cup white sugar
1 cup brown sugar
1/2 cup fat (we use lard. Butter may be use, if not DF)
1 1/3 cups rice flour
1 teaspoon baking soda
1 teaspoon cinnamon
2 eggs
1 teaspoon vanilla
1 cup raisins, chopped dates or nuts (optional)

1. In a small bowl, pour boiling water over oats. Set aside.
2. Cream sugars and fat. Add flour, soda, cinnamon, eggs, vanilla and the oat mixture. Mix well.
4. Pour into a greased 9 x 13" baking dish and bake for 30-40 minutes at 350 degrees F.

~ Hanunyah

31 for 21 is a blog challenge to raise Down Syndrome awareness 1 blog at a time. The challenge is to blog everyday the whole month of October (31 days) to raise awareness for Down Syndrome (aka Trisomy 21). This is the 6th Annual 31 for 21 Challenge.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

31 for 21: Quick Chocolate Peanut Butter Treat

A quick afternoon treat made in the microwave. The honey comes to a high temperature, so when combined with peanut butter it cools and makes sweet, crunchy bits in the peanut butter ball. This is another one of those creations, and doesn't need a formal recipe. Here's how.

Add about 1 teaspoon cocoa and a teaspoon of honey to a small microwaveable bowl or cup. Do not stir. Take a spoon of (natural) peanut butter - a couple tablespoons worth - and set aside. Microwave the mixture in the cup for 30 seconds on high. Remove, immediately add the peanut butter and mix quickly. Let cool a few minutes, roll in cocoa powder. Set in the freezer for a few minutes to cool completely.

~ Hanunyah

31 for 21 is a blog challenge to raise Down Syndrome awareness 1 blog at a time. The challenge is to blog everyday the whole month of October (31 days) to raise awareness for Down Syndrome (aka Trisomy 21). This is the 6th Annual 31 for 21 Challenge.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

31 for 21: Instant "Yogurt" - Kitchen Science Experiment

What happens when you add lime or lemon juice to milk? Go try it and find out! Oh, never mind. I did it, and I can tell you. I'm not even sure how I found this out . . . one of my weird creations I guess. Many times when somebody asks me what I'm making, I'm like, "ummmm . . . I'm not sure". (Just incase you were wondering - yeah, I'm from California, and the accent hasn't quite worn off).

Anyway, back to the creation: Put about 2 tablespoons of lemon or lime juice in a small bowl. (I always use fresh - just cut the citrus in half and squeeze it out). Slowly pour about 3/4 cup of milk to the bowl, using a spoon to slowly mix. (Again, I use fresh, raw goat milk). Cool! It's not like spoonable thick, but it gets fairly thick. Add pumpkin puree (yeah, I use fresh), cinnamon and raisins and eat! I found that the pumpkin takes away the little tart flavor that the lime or lemon leaves.

Fear God, be happy and have a goodnight!

~ Hanunyah

31 for 21 is a blog challenge to raise Down Syndrome awareness 1 blog at a time. The challenge is to blog everyday the whole month of October (31 days) to raise awareness for Down Syndrome (aka Trisomy 21). This is the 6th Annual 31 for 21 Challenge.

Monday, October 22, 2012

31 for 21: Preserving & Canning

The 3 calves, one of which was sold today.
The red one is a new heifer and the one on the far right is my baby, Lulu.

Check out my Mamma's recipe page for a few of our favorite recipes for the summer bounty.

Grandparents from out-of-state are visiting, so we are leaving somewhat soon since they are taking us out to eat . . . Mexican is the way to go :).

~ Hanunyah

31 for 21 is a blog challenge to raise Down Syndrome awareness 1 blog at a time. The challenge is to blog everyday the whole month of October (31 days) to raise awareness for Down Syndrome (aka Trisomy 21). This is the 6th Annual 31 for 21 Challenge.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

31 for 21: Buddy Walk

Today was the 10th Annual Down Syndrome Association of Tulsa Buddy Walk. There was booths and free food. Since McDonald's is a presenting sponsor, there was a lot of junk food there . .  but there was also a gluten-free table with healthy food - Beanito chips and LARABARS. I hadn't heard of Beanitos before, but they are healthy and were pretty good in my opinion. And of course, the LARABARS were good as always.


Our team name flag.

The start of the walk.

Fun with best buds!


~ Hanunyah

31 for 21 is a blog challenge to raise Down Syndrome awareness 1 blog at a time. The challenge is to blog everyday the whole month of October (31 days) to raise awareness for Down Syndrome (aka Trisomy 21). This is the 6th Annual 31 for 21 Challenge.

Saturday, October 20, 2012

31 for 21: Easy & Healthy Chocolate Peanut Butter Cookies

Last night I made some cookies - a jar of peanut butter (a whole jar?? listen, it's a big recipe), some honey, and a few eggs. Add some cocoa for a nice rich flavor. Simple but good. Mix up the dough, let it chill out while you go milk the goats, then come in to bake cookies.

These ones really get up on their hind legs and scream for a cold glass of (goat) milk :).

Easy and Healthy Chocolate Peanut Butter Cookies (Grain-free, Refined Sugar-free)
Hanunyah Creation

1-16oz jar natural peanut butter (chunky or smooth)*
1 cup honey
3 eggs
1 cup cocoa

1. Mix all ingredients together. Mix well. If the dough is too thin to handle, set in the refrigerator for about 30 minutes.

2. Heat oven to 350 degrees F. Drop the dough onto ungreased cookie sheets and bake for 6 to 8 minutes.

Makes about 40 cookies, depending on size.

*A 16oz jar peanut butter = 3 cups peanut butter.
For a marble effect, follow directions except do not add the cocoa powder initially. Divide the dough into two bowls, and add the cocoa to one. After chilling, gently fold the doughs together. Proceed with directions.

~ Hanunyah

31 for 21 is a blog challenge to raise Down Syndrome awareness 1 blog at a time. The challenge is to blog everyday the whole month of October (31 days) to raise awareness for Down Syndrome (aka Trisomy 21). This is the 6th Annual 31 for 21 Challenge.

Link Parties:
Gluten-Free Wednesdays @ The Gluten-Free Homemaker 
Unwasted Homemaking @ Don't Waste Your Homemaking
Tempt My Tummy @ Blessed With Grace
Allergy-Free Wednesdays @ The Tasty Alternative and 6 other blogs
Wheat-Free Wednesday @ Anne-Mare Cain
Gluten Free Fridays @ Vegetarian Mamma
Food on Friday @ Carole's Chatter

Friday, October 19, 2012

31 for 21: Pumpkin Spice Latte

Oatmeal cookies and Lindt chocolates are good combinations to a nice latte ;). 

Pumpkin spice latte, perfect for coffee drinkers in autumn! Keep this syrup handy for a quick warm drink.

Pumpkin Spice Latte (Gluten-free, Corn-free)
Original recipe from 

1 cup water
1 cup brown sugar
3 Tbsp. pumpkin puree
2 tsp. pumpkin pie spice

Add all ingredients in saucepan on stove and heat to almost boiling. 

Lower heat slightly. Stir well to dissolve sugar and blend, cook for 5 minutes. Do not boil. If you boil the sugar and the water, you will be on your way to making candy. Watch carefully and stir frequently. We're talking 5 minutes here so don't walk away and burn your sugar!

Let cool, store in fridge.

When ready to use, just add a couple tablespoons to warm coffee and add milk or creamer - all to taste.

~ Hanunyah

31 for 21 is a blog challenge to raise Down Syndrome awareness 1 blog at a time. The challenge is to blog everyday the whole month of October (31 days) to raise awareness for Down Syndrome (aka Trisomy 21). This is the 6th Annual 31 for 21 Challenge.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

31 for 21: Information

Our granny from CA is visiting right now. She always comes to visit in October, and it is one of the busier months. Not a problem, tho, she's easy-going :). Tuesday was prep for the Buddy Walk at Bounce-U, and today Granny took us roller skating. Ya know, we gotta exercise to stay skinny, so we can bake sweets ;).

Two pretty kids born this morning.

Today (well, tonight) I thought I'd share some links. There's three main subjects on this blog right now: Recipes (mostly sweet ones, of course), Gluten-free and Down Syndrome. My recipes are gluten-free, but besides that I don't really post about gluten-free. I've mentioned The Gluten-Free Homemaker before, because she has some good articles she's written - not to mention her recipes and carnivals. Gluten-Free Information Round-Up is a post she did highlighting several articles.

My oldest sister, Qadoshyah, runs the Down Syndrome blog. She has a so much information there, plus the book? Yeah. Guess what? Her blog was rated as a Top Special Needs Site - 2nd in the Down Syndrome category.

Myself and Lulu, my calf.

~ Hanunyah

31 for 21 is a blog challenge to raise Down Syndrome awareness 1 blog at a time. The challenge is to blog everyday the whole month of October (31 days) to raise awareness for Down Syndrome (aka Trisomy 21). This is the 6th Annual 31 for 21 Challenge.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

31 for 21: Pumpkin Butter

Today my sister Suriyah and I baked and created. We made pumpkin pie together, oatmeal spice cookies and I created this pumpkin butter. Since today is almost over, I better get this done quick. Time goes fast hanging out with friends ;).

Pumpkin Butter (Gluten-free, Dairy-free and more)
Hanunyah Creation

2 cups pumpkin
1 3/4 cups sugar
2 teaspoons cinnamon
1/4 teaspoon ginger
1/4 teaspoon nutmeg

Combine all ingredients in a medium-sized saucepan. Cook over low heat until thick. Simple!

~ Hanunyah

31 for 21 is a blog challenge to raise Down Syndrome awareness 1 blog at a time. The challenge is to blog everyday the whole month of October (31 days) to raise awareness for Down Syndrome (aka Trisomy 21). This is the 6th Annual 31 for 21 Challenge.

Link Parties:
Gluten-Free Wednesdays @ The Gluten-Free Homemaker

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

31 for 21: Peanut Butter Cookies

Un-traditional traditional peanut butter cookies. What? In other words, peanut butter cookies, traditional as in criss-cross, flour containing cookies - with a different kind of flour than typically made with.

The other kind of peanut butter cookies are those 3-ingredient-flourless-easy-peasy type. There's a time for those, and a time for these more traditional ones. Have no flour, or just don't want to mess with it? Make those ones with no flour. Maybe you're low on peanut butter? Here's this recipe that uses less peanut butter and makes more cookies because it has other ingredients.

Oh, and this recipe is also courtesy of my sister Suriyah ;).

Peanut Butter Cookies (Gluten-free, Dairy-free)
Adapted from got milk? the cookie book

1/2 cup lard (or shortening or butter)
1/2 cup granulated sugar
1/2 cup brown sugar
1/2 cup creamy peanut butter
1 egg
3/4 teaspoon vanilla (optional)
1 1/2 cups gluten-free flour (we use rice)
1 teaspoon baking soda

1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F.

2. In a large bowl, beat the lard and sugars until light and fluffy; beat in the peanut butter, egg and vanilla. Add the flour  baking soda. Mix well.

3. Shape the dough into balls and drop them about 3 inches apart onto ungreased baking sheets. Flatten each cookie by pressing a fork into the center in a criss-cross pattern. If the fork sticks to the dough, wet the fork.

4. Bake for about 15 minutes, or until the cookies just begin to color. Let sit for a few minutes, then transfer to wire racks to cool completely.

~ Hanunyah

31 for 21 is a blog challenge to raise Down Syndrome awareness 1 blog at a time. The challenge is to blog everyday the whole month of October (31 days) to raise awareness for Down Syndrome (aka Trisomy 21). This is the 6th Annual 31 for 21 Challenge.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

31 for 21: PICTURES!

I know it's baking season and all, but sometimes it's nice to take a break from the kitchen, ya know? It was beautiful outside today.

Here are some pictures from here at Liberty Ranch.

A training horse.

Welcome, fall!

Watch out, kitty!

Turkey Vulture

A new calf in the morning sun.

Jay, the new donkey born 1 week ago today!

Jenna, Jay's mom.

Lulu (my calf) being wild.

Grandma . . . stuck in a box!

Lulu and a "brand new" bottle calf.

Lulu stuck in a bag.

Jay, watching.

My sis, Haleluyah, and Jay.

A chocolate colored hair sheep ewe.

A nubian doe.

My brother bought a boer goat show whether. Thanks for posing, bud!

~ Hanunyah

31 for 21 is a blog challenge to raise Down Syndrome awareness 1 blog at a time. The challenge is to blog everyday the whole month of October (31 days) to raise awareness for Down Syndrome (aka Trisomy 21). This is the 6th Annual 31 for 21 Challenge.

Saturday, October 13, 2012

31 for 21: Mozzarella Cheese

FRESH mozzarella cheese made from our raw goat milk.
This recipe is courtesy of my sister . . . yes, Suriyah. Fresh homemade mozzarella cheese made from fresh goat milk.

Fresh Mozzarella Cheese

2 gallons milk (we use raw goat milk)
3 teaspoons citric acid powder
1/2 teaspoon liquid rennet
1/8 teaspoon lipase (that's plenty, you can really taste it)
1/2 cup cool water, divided in half
1/4 cup warm water

1) Dissolve citric acid powder in 1/4 cup cool water, add to milk, stir well.
2) Dissolve lipase in 1/4cup warm water, add to milk, stir well.
3) Slowly warm milk, on low, to 90*F.
4) Dilute rennet in 1/4 cup of cool water, add to milk, stir well.
5) Turn heat off allow milk to set for 15min to achieve a clean break.
6) Cut into 1 inch curds, set in a 105*F water bath for 10min (it is okay for the curds to mat together some).
7) Drain curds into a colander kneading lightly to express whey (start heating whey now if you are making ricotta). Break curd apart and 2 teaspoons salt, knead lightly.
9) Place the curd into a microwave and cook on high for 1 minute, knead to express whey.
10) Cook on high heat again for 1 minute, cheese will be very hot and there wont be much whey this time, the cheese will begin to stretch.
11) Stretch and fold cheese a few times then fold into a ball, rinse in cold water, place in a small bowl to mold, and refrigerate
Cheese will last 2 weeks in the refrigerator or can be frozen.

~ Hanunyah

31 for 21 is a blog challenge to raise Down Syndrome awareness 1 blog at a time. The challenge is to blog everyday the whole month of October (31 days) to raise awareness for Down Syndrome (aka Trisomy 21). This is the 6th Annual 31 for 21 Challenge.

Link Parties:
Gluten-free Fridays @ Vegetarian Mama and 2 other blogs