Tuesday, October 30, 2012

31 for 21: A Blessed Life

As 31 for 21 winds down, and I live on a happenin' ranch, it is a beautiful fall day. My grandmother just flew back to CA today, and we have a barbecue tonight with my grandfather and step-grandmother. I was planning on making some sandwich bread sometime here, but with the wild life we have I'm not sure when I'll get to that let alone creating another recipe. But maybe, since life has been pretty crazy the entire time I've been creating recipes. But, I wouldn't want to change a thing. A big family, homeschooling, keeping a neighbor's farm, living on a ranch, a cute little brother with Down Syndrome? A beautiful thing. Don't wait 'till Thanksgiving to be thankful.

~ Hanunyah

31 for 21 is a blog challenge to raise Down Syndrome awareness 1 blog at a time. The challenge is to blog everyday the whole month of October (31 days) to raise awareness for Down Syndrome (aka Trisomy 21). This is the 6th Annual 31 for 21 Challenge.

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