Saturday, July 2, 2011

Black Gold Cookies

Note: Even though I am on the GAPS diet, I still bake for everyone else who's not on the diet (there's only me, my brother and dad on the diet). It's not really a big deal for me, because I like doing it and they like to eat what I make. That said, I'll still be posting recipes here, Lord willing.

Thursday I made some Chocolate Chip Cookies (I baked most of them as bars, spread on a cookie sheet - they baked way better, browned beautifully and looked more chewy) , Gingersnap Cookies, Gingerbread (it was a creation, but a success - I made it from some of the Gingersnap cookie dough with another egg, a chopped apple and milk), Neapolitan Cookie dough for the 4th of July (without the food coloring because my sister forgot it Thursday in town, I finished those this morning), and Flourless Oatmeal Cookies (that me and my little 6 year old sister went crazy on - we added a shredded carrot, chopped banana, ginger, poppy and flax seeds. Why did we add all that? We were having fun ;-) ).

     Anyway, a couple of months ago, my grandma brought us some Gluten-free Black Gold Cookies (with the ingredient list) that she bought somewhere (I think the brand was BriarPatch) so we could taste them and create a copycat recipe for them. I found a couple Black Gold Cookie recipes online. With the amount of chocolate chips in the recipe, it seemed like you couldn't go wrong. So I gave it a shot.
    They were a big hit here at our house, but I haven't ran them by grandma yet (I'll probably do that tomorrow after a soccer game when we go to her house). The only difference I think there was (without tasting them ;-) ) was that they weren't as thick as the ones she bought. I may need to add a little more flour, or bake them as bars in a pan (so they can't spread, only rise).

*Update - July 28, 2011: A couple weeks ago Grandma came to our house . . . and I was baking these cookies. She tasted one, and REALLY liked them! She and everybody else gave lots of compliments. They went over very well!
     But I experimented some and was able to make them thicker (the first batch I changed things on turned out great). So, I have changed the recipe to what worked.

Black Gold Cookies (Gluten-free, Corn-free)
Adapted from

6 tablespoons (1/3 cup + 1 tablespoon) GF flour (I use rice or oat)
1/2 teaspoon guar gum (xanthan gum, if not corn-free)
1/4 teaspoon baking soda
2 tablespoons dark cocoa powder (or 3 to 4 tablespoons regular cocoa)
2 cups safe chocolate chips, divided
6 tablespoons (1/3 cup + 1 tablespoon) lard
2 large eggs
1/2 cup brown sugar, packed
2 teaspoons vanilla extract (optional)
1 1/2 cups walnuts (optional)

1. Mix together flour, gum, baking powder and cocoa, set aside. Melt 1 1/4 cups of the chocolate chips in the microwave (you could use a double boiler) for 1 minute, just until melted. Stir until smooth.

2. Beat the lard, eggs, sugar, and vanilla in a medium bowl until well combined and fluffy. Add the melted chocolate and beat. Add the dry ingredients, remaining chocolate chips, and walnuts. Refrigerate the dough for about 20 to 30 minutes.

3. Preheat the oven to 325 degrees F. Place heaping tablespoons of the dough on greased cookie sheets (do not flatten them). Bake for about 9 minutes (do not overbake). Cool on wire rack.

~ Hanunyah

Linked to Gluten-Free Wednesdays by The Gluten-Free Homemaker

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