Friday, October 5, 2012

31 for 21: Easy Vita-Mix Ice-Cream

We made our first fire (in the wood stove) today. And we ate ice-cream at the same time. The cold weather doesn't keep us from drinking shakes and eating ice-cream :). In fact, it was this time of the year when I posted this recipe.

Easy Vita-Mix Ice-Cream 
Originally from whole food recipes (the Vita-Mix cookbook)

1 cup milk
1/2 cup sweetener (we use sugar or honey)
1 teaspoon extract
4 cups ice

1. Add all ingredients to the vita-mix in the order listed.

2. Turn the vita-mix on and quickly increase speed to variable 10, then to high. Use the tamper to press into the blades. It should be done in about 30-60 seconds. (It should be very, very smooth. If it still has chunks of ice it is not done.)

3. Turn off machine. Serve Immediately.

This is a very versatile recipe.
You may use:
 - other types of milk (almond, coconut, etc.)
 - different sweeteners (sugar, honey, etc.)
 - other extracts (orange, lemon, almond, etc.)
 - 1 cup of frozen fruit in place of 1 cup of the ice (strawberries, blueberries, etc.)
Or, try adding:
 - some coffee
 - a sprinkling of freshly ground nutmeg
 - cocoa (and increase the sweetener by a few tablespoons)

This recipe is just a template. Play around! Since it can be changed so much, it is easily adaptable for many diets and food allergies. GAPS, gluten-free, dairy-free, grain-free, refined sugar-free, etc.

~ Hanunyah

31 for 21 is a blog challenge to raise Down Syndrome awareness 1 blog at a time. The challenge is to blog everyday the whole month of October (31 days) to raise awareness for Down Syndrome (aka Trisomy 21). This is the 6th Annual 31 for 21 Challenge.

1 comment:

  1. Looks refreshingly healthy :) also see a lot of good looking recipes. Thanks for linking to us, we are your newest stalkers now! 


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