Thursday, July 28, 2011

Light & Fluffy Pancakes (GAPS)

Update February 23, 2012: I notice this recipe is getting a lot of attention from Facebook ;), but haven't seen where people are posting it (?). Anyway, I want to direct your attention to a new GAPS pancake recipe we developed that is MUCH better. That may be found here - The BEST Fluffy GAPS Pancakes (so far). Thanks for visiting!

We just made these tonight and they are really good! Nice and fluffy and taste like a pancake. The other peanut butter squash pancake recipe I posted here were okay, but not like these. We didn't make the syrup, but I'm sure it would be good!

Light and Fluffy Pancakes (GAPS legal)
From: Internal Bliss

1 cup cooked squash, pureed
1 cup nut butter (we used a few Tbls of peanut butter)
5 eggs
1/2 tsp salt
1 Tbsp cinnamon
Dash of spice (cloves, nutmeg, and any other "pumpkin pie" type spice)
Ghee or other cooking fat

For the syrup:
1/4 cup honey
1/2 lemon, juiced
vanilla extract (optional)

1. Separate the eggs, putting the whites into one large bowl and the yolks into a separate large bowl.
2. Add the remaining ingredients to the egg yolks and mix together.
3. Beat the whites until soft peaks form, and then fold them into the yolk mixture.
4. Fry in fat using a griddle or in a skillet on medium to low heat, as they can burn easily.
5. To make the syrup, combine the syrup ingredients in a saucepan and warm until the honey is soft enough to stir in.

*When cold, these pancakes work well to make sandwiches.

~ Hanunyah


  1. Hi Hanunyah, My name is Maclaren. I am 8yrs old. My family and I started the GAPS Intro program today! We are healing our gut to help our bodies cope with Lyme bacterium. I like your blog and plan on using lots of your GAPS recipes when we are past the first few stages. How long did you stay on the Intro Diet before moving to "Full GAPS?" I, too, am homeschooled. Thank you. Maclaren

    1. Hello, Maclaren! Welcome to my blog ;). A good friend of ours has Lyme Disease, and has had it for years unknowingly. She was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia, but has recently been diagnosed with Lyme and several other co-infections. She is now being cleansed and treated for Lyme.
      I hope you and your family is able to overcome the Lyme, I know about how bad it can get.

      My family was on the GAPS into diet for approximately a month and a half, I think. It will vary tremendously, though, for different individuals. If you don't already, I would recommend getting the GAPS book by Natasha.

      Anyway, thanks for the comment and feel free to email me ( ) with any more questions you may have ;).

      Take care,

    2. Oh, one more thing - this is a great documentary you could watch with your family about Lyme disease. It's called Under Our Skin and can be found here -


Questions? Comments? Suggestions? I like hearing from you!