Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Secret Ingredient Milk-Free Chocolate Pudding

The cat's out of the bag . . . on my Facebook page. But the somewhat neglected blog should have an update ;).

In the very beginning of this month, it was quite warm. Now, it's chilly. Winter time! Many layers of clothes, frozen water buckets, and kids. Kids! 3 were born this morning. (You know I'm talking about goats, right? No, I don't have 3 more siblings [though I wish]) :). They're all doelings!  Little girls, and a big mama - who we'd been waiting to have babies for months . . . we don't like unknown due dates. Ya know what else is unknown about this goat deal here? The dad was supposed to be a boer. Yeah, right. These babies: Loud screamers, they've got color and they're small - I think a Nigerian is the sire. So, 3 cute mutt babies!

Oh, the pudding! If you're not a "goat person" then I may have lost you :). Creamy, good ol' chocolate pudding. Made no-cook, fast, easy and milk-free - no dairy, coconut or almond milk, which makes this dairy and nut-free. No, gluten, corn or soy. Grain and Refined-sugar free!

The con about this recipe: It's not egg-free or vegan. For those who can't have eggs - sorry, this recipe simply won't work without eggs. But, something probably could be substituted for the honey.

An egg-based, not egg-taste recipe. Chocolate pudding! My sister also made a YouTube video showing how to make this simple chocolate pudding, but I'm also putting it below.

Surprise Ingredient Chocolate Pudding
Adapted from Snacks
(Gluten-free, Dairy-free, Nut-free, Soy-free, Corn-free, Grain-free, Refined Sugar-free)

1/2 cup honey*
1 cup water
4-5 tablespoons cocoa powder
6 hard-boiled eggs, peeled

In a vita-mix or blender, add the honey and water and blend. Add the cocoa and hard-boiled eggs and blend until smooth, 1 to 2 minutes at the most. The pudding can be served immediately, but it thickens more if chilled.

*The honey can be adjusted by personal preference. You may also try using a different sweetener.

Did you watch that video? Yep, she's a little weirdo :). A great sister, tho. I think her fav song right now is "A joyful heart is good medicine" - haha! She likes to "be weird" and make people laugh. The second oldest of my 6 lovely sisters :).

~ Hanunyah

Link Parties:
Allergy-Free Wednesdays @ The Tasty Alternative
Gluten-free Fridays @ Vegetarian Mama and 2 other blogs
Gluten-Free Wednesdays @ The Gluten-Free Homemaker
The WCFS Award Show @ Will Cook for Smiles
Food on Friday @ Carole's Chatter


  1. Hanunyah, thank you for following Carole's Chatter. I hope you have a fantastic weekend.

  2. Thanks for sharing!! We have been having such great recipes at our Gluten Free Fridays parties! I really appreciate you being part of the link up and part of the community! :)

    Thanks for linking up at our Gluten Free Fridays party! I have tweeted and pinned your entry to our Gluten Free Fridays board on Pinterest! :)
    I hope to see you again this week!

    Cindy from vegetarianmamma.com

    1. Thanks for hosting the party, it's a good one - Congrats!

  3. Awww, how cute! Congratulations of the 3 new baby goats :)
    This recipe sounds very intriguing, I shall trust you and try it!
    Thank you so much for coming by the party, hope to see you again tonight!

    1. Thanks :). Thanks for hosting and congrats to you for the successful party!


Questions? Comments? Suggestions? I like hearing from you!