Saturday, May 5, 2012

It's Spring; Simple Pudding

Blogging has been on the back burner here, and so has some pudding. But since you can't leave pudding on the back burner for long, here I am, bringing it to the front. Especially if you put loads (well, tablespoon loads) of vanilla, a little cocoa, or some sweet strawberries.

It's spring. By the way, what season does pudding belong in? Probably depends on what kind. If it's as a nice warm custard - fall or winter? How 'bout some fruity, maybe lemony, cool pudding? Or the kind with crunchy cookies and bananas? I think pudding is well fit for any season, especially spring and summer - keep some on hand and make all kinds of yum-yums.

It's spring (it was official about 6 weeks ago). Babies, flowers, beauty, color season.

It's May. Many birthdays in May for us. Today marks the 51st year that someone was born who would become a great father. (p.s. last month, the 12th, was my day of 13 years. No, I didn't make myself a cake, but I did make my family brownies :) ).

Is it time to make an any-time, easy, creamy treat? Have fun with this versatile and quick recipe, which is based on 4 ingredients.

Simple Pudding (Gluten, Cow Dairy, Corn-free)
Hanunyah Creation

1/4 cup gluten-free flour (or cornstarch)
1 cup sugar
4 cups goat milk or non-dairy milk
1/2 cup cocoa, pureed fruit, etc., optional
1 tablespoon vanilla*

1. In a large saucepan, combine the flour, sugar and 1 cup of the milk. Mix well, and add the remaining milk and cocoa or fruit, if desired.

2. Place over high heat, and heat for a couple minutes, stirring occasionally. Reduce heat to medium, and, stirring constantly, bring to a boil.

3. Remove from heat. Add the vanilla and serve chilled.

*Add the vanilla to taste.
For a richer pudding, you may add 2 whisked egg yolks after step 2, return to the flame for another minute, and proceed with the recipe.
This recipe may be cut in half for a smaller portion, but I suggest making at least one full recipe - as it's not that much - and keeping it in the refrigerator. It doesn't hurt to throw it in a cake, or as a filling, etc.

~ Hanunyah

Shared at Tempt My Tummy Tuesdays,

1 comment:

  1. Great blog you have here! I'm so impressed that an 11 yr. old started a blog like this. Looks like you have some great experience cooking and baking. It's a great thing to learn. Blessings!


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