Sunday, May 27, 2012

Homemade Butterscotch Pudding + Memorial Day

Here I am. I'm alive, still. You know what people say nowadays - "I've been busy......".

Back to the kitchen:
Some time ago, we talked about pudding. This time it's butterscotch. Yum. Especially a whole gallon. My sister (who's birthday is today! - cake is later) likes butterscotch. She told me this pudding was like the little butterscotch-flavored pudding cups in the store.

But, of course, this is made with fresh goat milk, melted cane sugar, thickened with fine rice flour and touched-up with vanilla. That's all. This was adapted from the caramel pudding recipe on this blog.

Making it? - it's not that hard, but this is like a . . . ummm . . . science experiment.

Yes, yes, the sugar melts (brown or white) with NO liquid or nothin'. Just melted sugar and then milk - yes, add cold milk to sugar that is 300+ degrees fahrenheit - do be careful, though. Don't be surprised when you suddenly have this big chunk of hard candy in your pot. Don't freak out, it should melt just fine. After you've made butterscotch milk, add the thickener and finally, the vanilla. And no, It doesn't ruin the pot ;).

Oh . . . it smells so good! But I'm fine with just goat milk ;).

Now that I've prepared you for this experience - have fun! And just to be safe, read the recipe through before starting. Oh, and yes, I made a big ol' gallon - but it still didn't last. You can size down the recipe, though.

1 gallon of Homemade Butterscotch Pudding (Gluten, Cow Dairy, Corn, etc. Free)
Hanunyah Creation

2 cups flour (or cornstarch or other thickener)
4 cups sugar (brown or white)
1 gallon (16 cups) fresh goat milk (or other milk), divided
3 to 4 tablespoons vanilla extract

1. Whisk together the flour and 2 cups of the milk. Set aside.

2. In a large, 6-quart saucepan, melt the sugar, stirring constantly, over medium heat. It should form clumps, then those clumps melt.

3. Carefully add the remaining milk to the hot sugar. The sugar hardens, but keep stirring until the sugar melts into the milk.

4. Add the flour mixture, stirring constantly until it thickens and starts to boil. Remove from the heat and add the vanilla. Cool and refrigerate. It should thicken additionally in the refrigerator.

~ Hanunyah

Linked to Gluten-Free Wednesdays at The Gluten-Free Homemaker, Look What I Made! at Creations by Kard and Sugar and Spice at Seven Thirty Three

Monday, May 14, 2012

Happy Mother's {yester}Day! the human moms ;). Since we live on a ranch, why not include a few pictures of the animal mamas for mother's day, too?

The cake may have to be late (I didn't make one yet), but we have had a wild weekend - more on that later, Lord willing. May freedom prevail ;).

Mom + daughter.

A good sitter duck is so devoted. This one hatched out about 20 after the long approx. 36 days.

A mama goat with her new son.

~ Hanunyah

Saturday, May 5, 2012

It's Spring; Simple Pudding

Blogging has been on the back burner here, and so has some pudding. But since you can't leave pudding on the back burner for long, here I am, bringing it to the front. Especially if you put loads (well, tablespoon loads) of vanilla, a little cocoa, or some sweet strawberries.

It's spring. By the way, what season does pudding belong in? Probably depends on what kind. If it's as a nice warm custard - fall or winter? How 'bout some fruity, maybe lemony, cool pudding? Or the kind with crunchy cookies and bananas? I think pudding is well fit for any season, especially spring and summer - keep some on hand and make all kinds of yum-yums.

It's spring (it was official about 6 weeks ago). Babies, flowers, beauty, color season.

It's May. Many birthdays in May for us. Today marks the 51st year that someone was born who would become a great father. (p.s. last month, the 12th, was my day of 13 years. No, I didn't make myself a cake, but I did make my family brownies :) ).

Is it time to make an any-time, easy, creamy treat? Have fun with this versatile and quick recipe, which is based on 4 ingredients.

Simple Pudding (Gluten, Cow Dairy, Corn-free)
Hanunyah Creation

1/4 cup gluten-free flour (or cornstarch)
1 cup sugar
4 cups goat milk or non-dairy milk
1/2 cup cocoa, pureed fruit, etc., optional
1 tablespoon vanilla*

1. In a large saucepan, combine the flour, sugar and 1 cup of the milk. Mix well, and add the remaining milk and cocoa or fruit, if desired.

2. Place over high heat, and heat for a couple minutes, stirring occasionally. Reduce heat to medium, and, stirring constantly, bring to a boil.

3. Remove from heat. Add the vanilla and serve chilled.

*Add the vanilla to taste.
For a richer pudding, you may add 2 whisked egg yolks after step 2, return to the flame for another minute, and proceed with the recipe.
This recipe may be cut in half for a smaller portion, but I suggest making at least one full recipe - as it's not that much - and keeping it in the refrigerator. It doesn't hurt to throw it in a cake, or as a filling, etc.

~ Hanunyah

Shared at Tempt My Tummy Tuesdays,