Monday, October 31, 2011

31 for 21: Chocolate Chip Pancake Muffins

I know I already did a post for today, but I wanted to do 2 in one day because of the first day that I didn't post a recipe - so here's the 31st recipe!

Well, here is the last post for October. I hope you enjoyed all the recipes, and to end it here is another great recipe that my oldest sister made. I'll post the pictures I took, and you can skip over to her blog for the recipe - Chocolate Chip Pancake Muffins.

Here are the links to the blogs of those in my family who did the challenge -
Life on the Ranch - my mom
Got Down Syndrome - my oldest sister
Good Goats - another sister of mine

Also, to see everyone else's blogs who did the challenge, go to Unringing the Bell.

Thanks for following along as we live out life with our blessing!! I hope you had a sweet ending to the month!

~ Hanunyah

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